
Plan Contact

  • Address: 640 N PUENTE ST,BREA,CA
  • Contact person: TOM MACKINNEY
  • Phone: (909) 869-7975

Plan General Information

At the end of 2022, the total retirement plan assets of AIR TREATMENT CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN is $77,953,182.This plan was established in 2016.

At the end of 2022, the total number of retirement plan participants in AIR TREATMENT CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN is 226

In 2022, the average participant retirement account value for AIR TREATMENT CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN is $344,925

In 2022, the estimated average employer match for an employee in AIR TREATMENT CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN is approximately $14,238

In 2022, the total retirement plan asset growth rate of AIR TREATMENT CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN is 60.02%

In 2022, the estimated aggregate retirement account investment gain/loss for AIR TREATMENT CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN is 56.28%. This measures the effectiveness of the plan participants’ investments in the year.

In 2022, the investment and administrative expense ratio of AIR TREATMENT CORPORATION EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN is 0.00%.

Enrollment Features